2024 Medallion Hunt
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Clue #1:
Pan-O-Prog’s here and there’s no time to be slow,
There’s treasure to find, so look high and look low!
You gotta start somewhere, so here’s your first clue,
Then be ready on Monday, July 8th for Clue #2.
Clue #2, Monday July 8:
The hunt is on, there’s treasure to find,
As you search the parks, please be kind,
Grass, flowers & foliage must stay intact,
Our parks are beautiful, that’s a fact.
Clue #3 Tuesday, July 9:
Lakeville parks are simply the best,
North, south, east, and west.
Walking paths, picnics and benches to rest,
There’s something for all, enjoy your quest!
Clue #4 Wednesday, July 10th:
Conservation’s important for birds and bees,
And of course, don’t forget all of the trees,
We’ve had lots of rain, so watch out for water,
If you find the medallion, call and say, “I gott'r!”
Clue #5 Thursday, July 11th:
Play soccer or ball with seats to view,
No matter the season, there’s plenty to do,
There’s even a playground and things that are new,
Stay tuned tomorrow for the next clue!
Clue #6 Friday, July 12th:
Just follow the clues and try as you might,
Finding the medallion’s sure to be a highlight,
Remember it’s usually not in plain sight.
Look early today, so you don’t miss Cruise Night!
Clues will be posted by 9am each day, beginning Monday, July 8th on our website at www.panoprog.org and Facebook www.facebook.com/panoprog/
The prize is $250 cash!!!
Official Rules
The medallion is hidden on public property in an easily accessible place. It is NOT located in any of the following parks: Aronson, Antlers, Casperson, James Jensen, Steve Michaud, or Downtown Plaza.
It is not necessary to damage or destroy any property to find the medallion.
Instructions about what to do when you find the treasure are printed on the back of the medallion.
If more than one person finds the medallion, the reward will be split among all the finders.
The medallion hunt is open to everyone except Pan-o-Prog board members and their families.
Pan-o-Prog accepts no liability in connection with the medallion hunt.
In the event the medallion is not found, the hunt will conclude at 8:00 am on Monday, July 15th.